I Said I Would

So, I mentioned when talking about the 19-year afghan, that I would take a picture of the stocking I knit for M the first year we were together. Well, the Christmas decorations have been hauled in from the garage and have made themselves at home until Epiphany, so I can show you this:

Marie's Stocking

Pattern: Christmas Stocking, designed by my mother for the shop she closed ages ago, A Likely Yarn.
Yarn: Bartlettyarns 2-ply Maine wool in a buncha different colors

I found the kit (she sold kits for her stockings in the store) while raiding her stash for something to work on Christmas eve the first year M and I were together, and I knit the stocking in one day -- yes, I mean really (should I admit that I also crocheted a scarf the same day?).

Two things to note: first, yes, Mom reversed the chart for the candy canes, so they look funny; and second, I didn't notice this until the next year, but the duplicate-stitched "M" is one round lower than all the other letters. I should probably fix that sometime.

The other thing I said I would show off is one of the oldest FOs in my possession, this one NOT knit. I have things that are older: a plaster "scrimshaw" carving I did when I was in elementary school, and some silly kid-made Christmas ornaments, but this is serious work.

Cross-stich Plaque

I made this counted cross-stich plaque for my grandmother in (it says so right on it) 1981. It came back to me when my grandmother moved into an assisted living place a few years ago.

I went through a real phase of obsessive counted cross-stich around that time. I made ornaments (all of which I gave away) and other stuff I'm sure. The last time I did counted cross-stitch was probably 10 or more years ago when I made a large sampler my mother had designed for our family reunion's auction. It nearly killed me, and I haven't picked up a needle that small for more than mending since. Carpal tunnel just makes it impossible to hold a needle that small for very long without serious pain.

And now, just because all my knitting time is still being taken up with secret sample knitting (though one project should have arrived at its destination today -- and it came out quite nice if I do say so myself), some views of Christmas at our house:

The tree -- the lights are on, but I used the flash so you can see the ornaments

A rather eerie view of the tree without the flash

A Christmas village called "Decadence". From left to right: an ice cream parlor, a dance hall, a toy store, a night club, and a candy shoppe. There's also a fire station just out of frame on the left in case of emergency.

Decadence's wholesome neighbor, complete with fisherman's cottage, skating pond, farm, parsonage, and country church on the hill.

The olive wood nativity from the Holy Land which M got as an ordination present. We've added the angels -- do you think we need some more?