Rally Sock Done

Rally Sock #1 on Blocker

This is the sock I started at the Diamondbacks game Friday. Done! I am loving the yarn (Zwerger Garn Opal Cotton #1954) very very much. The repeat in the stripe pattern is very long (it starts again at the top of the ankle ribbing where it began the toe). And the colors are great. The name Rally Sock also fits because the slouchy leg looks a little like something a cheerleader (at least a cheerleader in the '80s) would wear.

And I am happy to report that Mystery Project is almost to the end of the endless stockinette tube(s) portion of the knitting and about to move on to the interesting colorwork portion. I fully expect that knitting to go a lot faster.

Dog woke me up every 45 minutes for most of the night. No, he didn't have to go out, he was awake and he wanted me to be awake, too. I think he needs more exercise during the day, but how do you exercise an old dog with thick, dark hair when it's above 100 by 10am and for well after dark in the evening? He gets a morning walk before it gets too hot, but that's about all the time I dare have him outside in the summer here.

Are there indoor dog parks? Should I patent the idea and create one? Cari has written about taking Thumper to an indoor playground in Portland. Perhaps dogs here in Tucson need the same thing.

For tonight, however, we will play fetch in the hallway -- all the time with the echo of Bobby Brady saying "Mom always said, 'Don't play ball in the house.'"* in my head.

*NOTE: In all goodness-knows-how-many-there-were episodes of The Brady Bunch, Carol Brady never actually said that.

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